Nisus Writer Express 2.5
Nisus Writer 2.5 just come out and it is even better. Nisus Writer 2.0 was a program you could work with. It was still very slow and buggy. Nisus Writer 2.5 got faster so you can actually work with it and the feature set finally seems well thought out and much less buggy.

Nisus writer use to be my favorite word processor (Under System 9). It had a lot of appealing features, was quick and very stable. When Nisus Writer Express finally come out I was very disappointed. Since then Nisus Write made a lot of progress and integrated a whole bunch of my favorite features form the classic version. Nisus writer Express 2.1 finally is much faster. Nisus Writer Express' real strength is that whatever you need is always just a click away. And, at just $59.95 for the download. Lets hope it get faster and get soem of ist old graphic abilities back.