About MacItEasy:

MacItEasy is the web home of Rene Netter, a specialist in providing technical support and tutoring for people who have or are thinking about getting a Macintosh computer. Rene is an expert in providing workable solutions for otherwise confusing and mysterious computer problems.

You can contact MacItEasy for computer upgrades, software installations and professional consultations.
When purchasing a new computer MacItEasy helps you to get started. Whether it is transferring data from another computer, networking, connecting to the internet or creating a web page, MacItEasy makes it easy!

MacItEasy has been in operation since 1993, and has traveled with Rene from Germany to San Francisco and most recently to New York's Capital Region.

You can expect professional service for reasonable rates -- don't hesitate to
email or call: 518-935-4650.
If you get voice mail, please leave your name and number and a time you are available as well as a short description of the issue you are calling about.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Rene Netter
